2 lbs chuck roast cut in 1 inch cubes.
1 large onion
3 cloves garlic minced
3 stalks celery plus leaves, diced
1 parsnip
3-5 carrots
5 small potatoes
1 cup beef broth
1/2- 1 cup water to cover meat
1 tablespoon corcester sauce
1/2 teaspoon marjoram
Salt and pepper
Brown chuck roast in oil until juices form, remove from pan, add onions and celery and sweat for 10 minutes, add garlic and cook for 2-3 minutes. Add spices and Worcester sauce to vegetables and cook for another 2-3 minutes. Add meat back to vegetables. Add stock. Add parsnip, carrots and cook for 10-15 minutes. Add potatoes and water. Cook covered on low until beef is fork tender, 45 minutes to 1 hour. Then serve and enjoy!
*Substitute mushrooms of choice over chuck roast for vegetarian version.